Tuesday, November 4, 2008


On behalf of current students, faculty members, alumni, and the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club (EVCC) at The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, it is our pleasure to announce the launch of our new blog - "Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital: At home and abroad".

"Why" - you may ask are we starting this blog. Our answer is simple: we would like to share with Fuqua, Duke and the broader audience about what is happening in the Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital space across the globe. The blog’s global focus is all the more relevant given Fuqua’s recent global initiative to be present in China, India, Russia, London and Dubai. Furthermore, over the long term, some of these locations will host entrepreneurship related activities, so we thought it is only fitting that we get started on educating ourselves about what is happening in the entrepreneurship space across the globe.

Though simple, there are specific themes that we hope to cover in this blog. This leads us to the question of "What" we want to share with you and in turn learn from you. Firstly, we’ll share various entrepreneurship related activities that Fuqua and Duke will be hosting throughout the year in the US and at our planned campuses around the world. Secondly, we believe that the entrepreneurship and venture capital landscape in the US differ from those in countries such as China, India, Israel, Brazil etc. So, we hope to share information about how entrepreneurs in those regions start and fund their companies. Finally, the student community at Fuqua and Duke is very diverse and some of our students have started companies, which are truly global in nature, so we’ll share those entrepreneur’s stories and advice.

In order to make this place worth your limited reading time, we hope to tap, quality sources of information that we come across. Secondly, we’ll ask our brilliant research focused faculty to draw on their research and share their thoughts on the latest trends in entrepreneurship across the globe. Finally, we’ll ask our alumni who’ve made Duke a top-5 university for entrepreneurship and venture capital to share their experiences of starting and funding entrepreneurial ventures.

We are very excited about how entrepreneurs around the world are changing the way business is done and we hope to share their stories and learn from them. We would like to also state that this is a student-run blog and thus thoughts shared here are purely that of fellow Fuqua students. Finally, in the spirit of openness, we request you to share any information that you think can go on this blog.

So, please contact Karthik.Meda (karthik.meda@fuqua.duke.edu) or Tarun Thakur (tarun.thakur@fuqua.duke.edu) if you come across a great piece of information that you think future entrepreneurs can learn from!

-Karthik Meda & Tarun Thakur

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