Friday, December 19, 2008

Podcast: Fuqua Alum starts an urban sportswear brand in China !

Its been sometime since our last posting, but we think the wait is probably worth it because of this amazingnly interesting story. In this post, we bring you the story of Renee Hartmann (Fuqua' 05) who co-founded Eno Sports, which is an urban sports wear brand targeting the 18-25 year old urban Chinese customer. Eno sports is a successful sports brand with 12 stores across 4 cities in China.

Starting company anywhere in the world is a tough job, but to do it in the context of another country, economy and culture makes it even tougher. To uncover how Renee was able to pull off this amazing feat, Ferol Vernon (Editor of the CEI newsletter)and I did a podcast interview, in which Renee talks about everything from raising capital in China to running meetings in Mandarin !

We're sure you'll find this story both interesting and inspiring, so check out the podcast here.
